:  some more stories About www.allthatweseeorseem.com
We shall have a procession of data that science has excluded
Charles Fort

Does a man of sense run after every silly tale of hobgoblins or fairies, and canvass particularly the evidence?
I never knew anyone, that examined and deliberated about nonsense who did not believe it before the end of his enquiries.
David Hume

The Red Queen shook her head. ‘You may call it ‘nonsense’ if you like,′ she said,
‘but I’ve heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!′

Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There

'It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards,' the Queen remarked.
Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There

Question: Does time exist?

Answer: Well it might not, but don't worry only where science (physics) is concerned.

In order to quantify nature Newton assumed that time was an absolute property of the Universe, simply self evident.
However proving that time existed was trickier, it is a feature of classical mechanics that the laws are reversible in time, e.g. film a billiard ball A hitting another ball B, now play the film backwards, B is simply hitting A, there is no proof of time in reverse.

Then Boltzman showed with the Second Law of Thermodynamics that time had an arrow, probably the most profound law of science todate.

Then Einstein first showed that time was relative to the observer (Special Relativity) and then also dependent on how much matter warped spacetime (General Relativity), i.e. remove all matter from the Universe and space and time disappear also.
Now physicists are toying with the idea that time doesn't exist at all.

But don't worry, causation is real.
Or as Hume and Kant might have put it, you have reasonable grounds to believe in it.

But hang on, reasonable grounds to believe in it?
Surely the arrow of time is essential for the causal narrative on which our consciousness depends?
The past is known, the present is our immediate experience and the future can only be predicted, we cannot know it?

Barrett Naylor was a Wall Street executive. He was a brass tacks kind of guy with no interest in psychic phenomena. But one morning in 1993, that changed. While stepping off a train in New York's Grand Central Station, he had a sense that he couldn't describe -- something telling him he should turn around and go home. He followed that inner voice and was glad he did -- that day in 1993 turned out to be the day of the World Trade Center bombing. Naylor got the same feeling again eight years later, on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. "Something told me ... that it was time to go home," he said. "I should just turn around and go back home". So he did. credit ABC News

One of the saddest and most poignant dreams had been noted by the family of Eryl Mai Jones, aged 10, a pupil of Pantglas school who was killed in the [Aberfan] disaster. Two weeks before, she had suddenly told her mother: “Mummy, I’m not afraid to die.” Her mother replied: “Why do you talk of dying, and you so young; do you want a lollipop?” “No,”Eryl said, “but I shall be with Peter and June” (two schoolmates). The day before the disaster she said to her mother: “Mummy, let me tell you about my dream last night.” Her mother answered gently: “Darling, I’ve no time now. Tell me again later.” The child replied: “No, Mummy, you must listen. I dreamt I went to school and there was no school there. Something black had come down all over it.” The next day, her daughter went off to school as happy as ever. That morning her mother was also due to go into Pantglas Junior school soon after her daughter, but curiously, just as Eryl Mai Jones left her home for the last time, the clock stopped at 9.00 am. As a result, her mother mistook the time, delaying her and saving her life. credit Psychology Today

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
Yoko Ono

The Kinross Incident is sadly one of those cases where military aircraft have been lost after being sent to intercept an unknown radar target, a UFO.
Apparently the UFO and the intercepting jet were seen to merge on radar and then the intercept's IFF ceased with the two objects never being separately identified again.
The incident happened over Lake Superior and no trace of the plane or it's two man crew was ever found.
note It's a common feature of submerged corpses that they "bloat and float". However not in Lake Superior, where it is too cold for the requisite bacterial activity. Apparently the lake contains 10,000 corpses of people that have perished, typically in boats sunk in storms, many of them still intact creating some eerie experiences for wreck divers.

An element of this case is that there was another fatal air accident earlier the same day (about 150 miles south) with the same type of jet witnessed falling out of the sky onto marshland with no sign of the two man crew attempting to bail out.

But there is also a stranger element to the Kinross event, approximately 40 minutes after the plane was deemed lost (18.55), colleagues of the lost crew in a search plane in the vicinity (airborne at 19.15) apparently heard a brief seemingly relaxed radio transmission which they recognised as being from the lost pilot.
He was from Louisiana and had a very distinctive speech pattern that they knew very well.

The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.
Albert Einstein

Earlier I mentioned the Siddhis, the ability to develop special powers such as teleportation and levitation.
And i'm sure that for many people reading that, "being sceptical" would be an understatement.

But lets stay with this idea, if it was possible that man has an innate ability to control Nature to this extent, waiting to be discovered, could it be possible that this innate ability is occasionally triggered accidentally?
Are there any historical cases to support this?

(1)  The Pansini boys 
A feature of this account is the unimpeachable testimony of the Italian clergy including a Bishop and the chief physician to Pope Leo XIII.
In one event the boys were transported from the land to a boat out at sea, demonstrating an accuracy that would impress the engineers of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701).

(2)  The mysterious case of Rev. Young, Mrs Young, Mr Monck and Mr Rowlands as published in the "Spiritualist", Fri 15 August 1873.
N.B. Bristol and Swindon are 40 miles apart.

Kay Coggin, Magonia Exchange

Kay Coggin, Magonia Exchange

Interesting that the event has associated ball lightning and poltergeist activity.

note In order to describe the events in his book "Lo!", Charles Fort invented the word "teleportation".

"Mostly in this book I shall specialize upon indications that there exists a transportory force that I shall call Teleportation."
From Charles Fort's book - "Lo!".
Early in the morning of Dec. 9, 1873, Thomas B. Cumpston and his wife, "who occupied good positions in Leeds," were arrested in a railroad station, in Bristol, England, charged with disorderly conduct, both of them in their nightclothes, Cumpston having fired a pistol. See the London Times, Dec. 11, 1873. Cumpston excitedly told that he and his wife had arrived the day before, from Leeds, and had taken a room in a Bristol hotel, and that, early in the morning, the floor had "opened," and that, as he was about to be dragged into the "opening," his wife had saved him, both of them so terrified that they had jumped out the window, running to the railroad station, looking for a policeman.

(4)  15 November 1572 Hans Buchmann takes an unplanned journey of 160 miles
The case seems to have been properly investigated and documented by the relevant authorities.
Note that the "swishing buzzing sound" is a good fit for the aural effect of microwave energy, this is discussed as part of "Black Shuck and the Fearful Flashes of Fire".
His reported injuries, bloated face and hairloss could fit with microwave exposure.
Ditto lost time (circa two weeks).

(5)  In (4) Hans Buchmann travels 160 miles.
How about 8830 miles?
The Legend of the Transported Soldier.

(6)  Now saving the best to last, all we have for the above is written accounts, possibly true, possibly of myths, slowly becoming fuzzy with age.
But seeing is believing, what we need now are some photographs!
I'll come to this case in more detail later, but for now have a look at Janet (of the Enfield Poltergeist) levitating in her bedroom.  Google Enfield Poltergeist levitation  and click on Images.

The Undertones - Teenage Kicks

As modern science explores the possibilities of quantum physics it is discovering Quantum teleportation where the configuration of an atomic system can be transmitted.
This science is of course extremely embryonic and still has a long way to travel ...

European folklore has lots of stories of strange creatures.
Some of these are the "Little People", with names in English like - Fairies, Elves, Gnomes, Goblins, Pixies, Imps, Leprechauns, Nymphs etc etc.
And of course many other names in many other languages.
In passing i'd observe that's a lot of names.

The ancient tales connected with these stories explain that they live on planet Earth but are not tied to the same dimension as humans because they are elemental spirits.
They have magical powers, like to appear and then disappear.
To be there and then not be there.

In Worlds in Space published in 1758, Emanuel Swedenborg discusses the other planets of the solar system and their inhabitants (more accurately their spirits).
This includes the "Little People" - "about as tall as a seven year old child but of sturdier build".

24th April 1964, Newark Valley, NY, USA.

10 am -  A farmer called Gary Wilcox is working on his farm when he sees a shining object in the distance.
On further investigation he encounters an egg shaped craft 20 feet in length, 15 feet wide and about 4 feet high of an aluminium colour and two little people about 4 feet tall completely covered in clothing with a "whitish aluminium tint", "they were quite broad for such short persons" and has an extended conversation with them before they disappear into the craft and fly away.
He returns to his house and phones his mother who asks "have you been drinking?".

A curiousity of this report is how it came to people's attention.
Mr Wilcox did not report it officially he just discussed it with immediate family and friends.
It only came to the attention of the authorities via a Miss Baldwin who knew the family and had served as a radar operator in WW2 and was well acquainted with UFOs on radar.
She pestered the police who eventually opened a file.
Mr Wilcox apparently turned down a significant sum of money relative to his income from a national magazine for the rights to the story.
But later he did allow the psychiatrist Berthold E. Schwarz M.D. to conduct a medical evaluation which was deemed consistent with good physical and emotional health - "compliant, methodical, orderly, socially reserved, and sincere".

Now on it's own the Gary Wilcox case would be of significant interest.
But it wasn't the only one that day ...

24th April 1964, 2,000 miles to the southwest of NY at Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

5.30pm -  A member of the public phones a news television station that they have seen a flying object heading in the direction of Socorro.
5.45pm -  76 miles south of Albuquerque in Socorro a gas station attendant deals with a customer, discussing low flying craft.
5.50pm -  The "Lonnie Zamora Incident" occurs.
A police officer witnesses a white egg shaped craft about the length of a car with two little people outside ("small adults or large kids") dressed in white coveralls.
The object takes off emitting flames that set fire to the scrub which is still smouldering when radioed backup arrives minutes later.
A ground inspection finds unusual indentations. 
The local radio station interviewed Zamora the next day.

If the reports in Albuquerque and Socorro are of the same object it seems reasonable to assert that it was travelling close to the ground in excess of 200mph, which would make it the topic of conversation when filling up if you had just been driving along the road and it passed close by.
A low flying craft travelling at such speeds would also account for someone taking the trouble to make a phone call to report it.
It would also fit with a journey of 2,000 miles in 10 hours.

Two other men - Paul Kies and Larry Kratzer of Dubuque, Iowa claimed later to have also witnessed the Zamora incident.
Later that week Orlando Gallegos will report seeing a similar craft in La Madera just north of Albuquerque.
It leaves an area of ground exposed to extreme heat.
note Socorro is next to the White Sands Missile Range, 35 miles north west from the site of the first atomic bomb test - Trinity.

Lemmy Kilmister & Hawkwind - Silver Machine
Deep Purple - Highway Star

About a year later a farmer in France, Maurice Masse will have a very similar encounter to Wilcox and Zamora but this time their heads are uncovered.

Valensole humanoid
Credit - ChristopheMarcheux, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
A depiction of the humanoids encountered at Valensole, France.
Note that the head is as wide as the shoulders and compare with Gary Wilcox's comments from his encounter (NY, USA) about a year earlier :-

  • "They seemed to have a sort of suit on that covered where the head would normally be located all the way down."
  • "I could not distinguish whether they had shoulders or not; they just seemed to go straight down."

Now there are various explanations for the above but lets play devils advocate and try and argue a mundane explanation - hallucinations, the brain perhaps being influenced by natural electromagnetic phenomena (or even some other unknown energy) which could also be producing reports of UFOs in parallel, it's a common feature of alien encounter stories that an aerial craft is involved.

The brain is an electro-chemical machine operating at delicate energies and (for instance) ball lightning is perhaps caused by substantial concentrations of electro-magnetic energy.
It's also reasonable to describe the mind as a "non stop narrative engine", even when we shutdown our consciousness and senses in sleep it continues to run creating dreams.

Combine the above and it's an easy proposition that exposure to powerful natural physical energies could swamp the consciousness and also trigger the narrative capabilities of the brain to create extremely vivid but absurd stories, a swamped consciousness also accounting for "lost time" again commonly reported.
note Lost time in a military fighter jet designed for performance not stability would typically have fatal consequences.
Ditto Kinross.

Perhaps something like Jung's archetypes are relevant here with the stories falling into types.
These types might also evolve depending on the mindset of the era, e.g.
  • Before the 19th century the encounters were described as with "cloudships" or the "fairies".
  • In the late 19th century, there was in the USA a rash of stories of encounters with "airships" and interaction/dialogues with their crews.
  • Then in the 20th century there are encounters with spaceships and aliens possibly performing medical procedures or sexual acts and all the time in telepathic communication.
  • What next in the 21st century?
Those that have these experiences being absolutely convinced of their reality.
Subsequent sessions of hypnosis simply examining the memory of the vision.

So there we have a great theory to explain anomalous phenomena, it's all in the mind.
And it's a good explanation for a lot of what is reported.
And it would be a great theory if it fitted all the facts for the above events, but unfortunately it doesn't.

Hallucinations don't leave indentations in the ground (16inches wide, 6-8inches deep, 19ft apart) with smouldering grass and scrub as witnessed by several police officers at the time and subsequently by other government investigators at Socorro.

Now ball lightning (for example) could be responsible for these features, it could even perhaps possibly create ordered indentations in the ground.
And as argued above, perhaps it could also create hallucinations.

But two events on the same day creating the same hallucination of a craft of the same shape, with the same two occupants of the same stature dressed in the same way, head to foot in the same white coveralls?

And then another event a year later in France, the same type of craft, with the same number of crew, of the same stature and the same unique build, with apparently the same mission (collecting soil samples)?

Some would say it's just coincidence, some would say that's just impossible.

Coincidence is what you have left over when you apply a bad theory.
P. W. Bridgman

Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said: “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day.
Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There

A limitation of all of the above of course is that although the witnesses given so far are very credible (Jung, military pilots, police officers, farmers) there are only a few of them.
Arguing that "reality is not what it seems" with observations from such a small group of people is at best risky and at worse, well even more risky.

What I need to push this along now is more evidence and from a larger group of people.

I need something bigger, preferably much bigger   ...    Go to the next page

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